Internet Security Professional Reference, Second Edition
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Authors Multiple
ISBN: 156205760x
Publication Date: 07/16/97

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UUCP Log Files

To track what happens on a system, UUCP keeps records of its transactions in a number of different log files; the command that is currently executing determines which log file is used.

All UUCP log files are stored in the /usr/spool/uucp/.Log subdirectory. This structure has a directory for each of the UUCP commands you want to track: uucp, uucico, uux, uuxqt, and a file in each subdirectory for each system you interact with. With this information, you can see a record of the transactions for a given system at any time.

Usually the log file that is examined the most is the uucico command’s log file, with the following syntax:

user machine  date   time     PID seq comment

A log file entry with information in each of these fields would indicate that a conversation was in progress, as illustrated in the following excerpt:

uucp gateway  (12/30-22:04:06,1429,0) SUCCEEDED (call to gateway  )
uucp gateway  (12/30-22:04:12,1429,0) OK (startup)
chare gateway gatewayN7bd0 (12/30-22:04:12,1429,0) REQUEST
----> gateway!D.unila9309b03 (chare))
chare gateway gatewayN7bd0 (12/30-22:04:30,1429,1) REQUEST
----> gateway!X.gatewayN7bd0 (chare))
uucp gateway  (12/30-22:04:37,1429,2) OK (conversation complete tty01 75)

The log file indicates that a call to a machine gateway started at 22:04 on 12/30, and a connection was established (OK (startup) ). A REQUEST was made to transfer a file (unilabs!unila9309b03) to gateway for user chare. A second file was transferred (notice that the SEQ number following the PID has incremented by one), and finally the call was terminated after the files successfully transferred.

Log files are the best way to spot trouble, as shown in this example:

uucp thumper  (12/30-20:41:03,1213,0) CONN FAILED (CAN’T ACCESS DEVICE)
uucp thumper  (12/30-21:11:03,1280,0) FAILED (generic open)
uucp thumper  (12/30-21:11:03,1280,0) CONN FAILED (CAN’T ACCESS DEVICE)
uucp thumper  (12/30-21:41:03,1351,0) FAILED (generic open)
uucp thumper  (12/30-21:41:03,1351,0) CONN FAILED (CAN’T ACCESS DEVICE)
uucp thumper  (12/30-22:11:04,1464,0) FAILED (generic open)
uucp thumper  (12/30-22:11:04,1464,0) CONN FAILED (CAN’T ACCESS DEVICE)

The log file indicates that a number of unsuccessful attempts have been made to contact the remote machine thumper. This probably should be investigated because the error message indicates that there is a problem accessing the device. This could be the result of a problem with permissions, ownership, or hardware.

The uux logs show what requests were queued on the local system, as illustrated here. There would be few error messages written to this file:

user machine jobid         date  time     pid SEQ comment
news gateway gatewayd7bcf (12/30-18:30:18,926,0) QUEUED (rnews )
chare gateway gatewayN7bd0 (12/30-22:03:22,1425,0) QUEUED

The log for uuxqt is similar, in that it simply records which commands were executed at the request of a remote system. The error messages described in table 3.6 would most commonly show up in the .Log/uucico/system file.

Table 3.6
UUCP Error Messages

Error Message Description

ASSERT ERROR An ASSERT error occurred. The message will be stored in the Admins/errors file. See the documentation for the ASSERT messages for your version of UUCP.

BAD LOGIN/MACHINE COMBINATION The node name and/or login name used by the calling machine aren’t permitted in the Permissions file.

CALLBACK REQUIRED The remote system requires a callback.

CAN’T ACCESS FILE Either the device doesn’t exist, or the permissions are wrong.

DEVICE FAILED The attempt to open the device using the open(2) system call failed.

DEVICE LOCKED The requested device is currently in use.

DIALER SCRIPT FAILED The script in the Dialers file was not negotiated successfully.

LOGIN FAILED The login for the given machine failed. It could be a wrong login/password, wrong number, a very slow machine, or failure in getting through the chat script.

NO CALL (RETRY TIME NOT REACHED) Default time for the System status file has not been reached. Remove this file if you want uucico to try again sooner.

NO DEVICES AVAILABLE There may be no valid device for calling the system. Check that the device named in Systems has a corresponding entry in Devices.

OK Things are working perfectly.

REMOTE DOES NOT KNOW ME The remote system doesn’t have the name of your system in its Systems file.

REMOTE HAS A LCK FILE FOR ME The remote may be trying to call you, or has a lock file leftover from a previous attempt.

REMOTE REJECT AFTER LOGIN Your system was logged in, but had insufficient permissions on the remote system.

REMOTE REJECT, UNKNOWN MESSAGE The remote system rejected your call with a non-standard message. The remote may be running a hacked UUCP implementation.

SUCCEEDED Self-explanatory.

SYSTEM NOT IN Systems One of your users made a request for a system that was not defined in the Systems file.

TALKING A conversation is currently in progress.

WRONG MACHINE NAME The machine you called is using a different name from the name your system has for it.

WRONG TIME TO CALL The Systems file doesn’t allow a call at this time.

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