Internet Security Professional Reference, Second Edition
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Authors Multiple
ISBN: 156205760x
Publication Date: 07/16/97

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To use this command, a user must first be authenticated to the server as the administrator. Group administrators do not have the power to “adopt” members.

The following commands set and clear the group administrator flag on the specified user. To issue this command, a user must be authenticated to the server as the administrator.

wiz user

unwiz user

This command sets the specified user as a global administrator:

superwiz user

Warning:  The superwiz command should be used with caution. Usually the group mechanism is powerful enough for most system maintenance. For this reason, global administrative privileges are seldom used.

To list all users that are known to the system, or the members of the specified group, use the command:

list [group]

Group administrators may list their own groups, but not the entire database. The list displays several fields, including:

  user. The login ID of the user.
  group. The group membership of the user. If none is listed, the user is in no group.
  longname. The user’s full name. This may be left blank.
  status. Contains codes indicating the user’s status. If this field is marked “y” the user is enabled and may log in. If marked “n” the user’s login is disabled. If marked “b” the user’s login is temporarily disabled because of too many bad login attempts. Users flagged with a “W” have the administrator bit set; users flagged with a “G” have the group administrator bit set.
  proto. Indicates the form of authentication in use for the login.
  last. Indicates the time of the last successful or unsuccessful login attempt.

To list a short synopsis of available commands, use this command:

? or help

To determine if the named user is allowed to perform the specified service, use the command:

operation user username service dest [other tokens] [time low# high#]

The service might be any one of the application gateways such as telnet-gw, ftp-gw, or rlogin-gw. The destination is any valid IP domain. The optional tokens are matched as wildcards to permit a proxy to specify more detailed operations. If a matching rule is found, the appropriate response is returned to the client. If no match is found, a message indicating that no match was found is returned to the client program. Here is an example:

operation user mjr telnet-gw operation user mjr ftp-gw  put

Operation rules are stored in the netperm-table. For each user/group the name is specified followed by the service destination [optional tokens ] [time start end ]. The user/group field indicates whether the record is for a user or a group. The name is either the username or the group name. The service can be any service specified by the proxy (usually ftp-gw, tn-gw, or rlogin-gw); the destination can be any valid domain name. The optional tokens are checked for a match, permitting a proxy to send a specific operation check to the authentication server. The time field is optional and must be specified time start_time end_time. The start_time and end_time parameters can be in the range 00:00 to 23:59. Here are a string of commands that specify who can use a service and when:

authsrv permit-operation user mjr telnet-gw time 08:00 17:00
authsrv deny-operation user mjr telnet-gw time 17:01 07:59
authsrv permit-operation group admin telnet-gw * time 08:00 17:00
authsrv deny-operation user mjr telnet-gw time 17:01 07:59
authsrv permit-operation group admin telnet-gw *.com
authsrv deny-operation group admin ftp-gw *.com put time 00:00 23:59


To install authsrv, configure the database option in netperm-table and initialize the database. To initialize the database, use the command su to go to the root directory, run authsrv at the command line, then issue the following commands:

    # authsrv

    -administrator mode-
    authsrv# list
    Report for users in database
    user    group   longname    ok? proto   last
    ----    -----   --------    --- -----   ----
    authsrv# adduser admin ‘Auth DBA’
    ok - user added initially disabled
    authsrv# ena admin
    authsrv# proto admin Snk
    authsrv# pass ‘160 270 203 065 022 034 232 162’ admin
    Secret key changed
    authsrv# list
    Report for users in database
    user    group   longname    ok? proto   last
    ----    -----   --------    --- -----   ----
    admin         Auth DBA    ena Snk    never
    authsrv# quit

In this example, the administrator account is established, then enabled, a protocol is assigned, and the initial password is set. The format of the set password depends on the authentication protocol used for the record. In this example, the administrator record is using a SecureNet Key, so the password record consists of the shared secret key used by the device.

After the database is initialized, add necessary hosts entries to netperm-table, install authsrv in inetd.conf, then restart inetd. Verify that authsrv is running by trying to telnet to the service port.

Note:  Ensure that the database is protected against casual perusal by checking its file permissions.

ftp-gw—FTP Proxy Server


ftp-gw [autheduser] [user@host]


ftp-gw provides pass-through FTP proxy services with logging and access control. When ftp-gw is invoked from inetd, it reads its configuration and checks to see if the system that has just connected is permitted to use the proxy. If not, ftp-gw shuts down the connection, displays a message, and logs the connection. If the peer is permitted to use the proxy, ftp-gw enters a command loop in which it parses all FTP requests and passes them to a remote FTP server. Any FTP request can be selectively logged or blocked by the proxy.

Two methods are supported to permit users to specify the system they want to FTP to through the proxy. The most commonly used is encoding the destination system name in the username:

% ftp gatekeeper
Connected to gatekeeper.
220 gatekeeper FTP proxy (Version 1.0) ready.
Name (host:user): user@somplace
331-(----GATEWAY CONNECTED TO someplace----)
331-(220 someplace FTP server (Version 5.60/mjr) ready.)
331 Password required for user.
230 User user logged in.
Remote system type is Unix.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp< quit
221 Goodbye.

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